Getting behind the Government’s Resources and Waste Strategy
With the Environment Secretary’s recent announcement that businesses and manufacturers are set to pay the full cost of recycling or disposing of their packaging waste, it is now more important than ever that everyone get behind the recycling movement.
The declaration forms part of the government’s ambitious new Resources and Waste Strategy and places legal responsibility on those producing the waste.
One of the easiest and most effective ways that a business can save money and support the Environment Secretary’s proposal is by recycling cardboard properly.
In a bid to support the government’s ambitious new plan SO Recycle are promoting cardboard only recycling for those businesses which are generating large quantities of cardboard waste every week.
Unlike other providers SO Recycle offer innovative services that ensure that 100% of materials are properly recycled and turned back into resources.
Our unique 1100Litre cardboard only bins have been designed exclusively for cardboard recycling to ensure that cardboard totally avoids contamination.
For just £5 per weekly lift, SO Recycle take care of the entire process and with such initial success we are now expanding beyond the Southampton area.
With Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) prices rising, more business owners are looking into cardboard recycling as a way to reduce costs and make their recycling efforts more effective.
A wide range of businesses including pubs, restaurants, retailers, care providers and manufacturers (known as SO Recyclists) have joined forces with SO Recycle and have adopted this cardboard only recycling approach.
If your organisation wants to better support the environment and could benefit from cost savings from cardboard recycling then get in touch with the friendly SO Recycle team on 023 8026 5254 or email us at